Anne Purdy's autobiography

The following is an autobiography by Anne Hobbs Purdy

I was born around 1908 in the back country of Prownington, Missouri. I was teaching in Oregon when I was given an offer to go to Alaska to teach. I have taught in many places such as Franklin Creek (3 years), Chenin (1 year), Tetlin Indian Village or reservation, Dot Lake and Eagle (6 to 7 years). Also taught in the desert in Claifornia at 29 Palms to wayward children, and Chicken, Alaska for 10 years to ten pupils.

In Eagle I married Fred Purdy and during the following years legally adopted 10 children. Chuck, Ethel, Doris, George, Marie, Eddie, Jack, Hank, Lynn and Barbara. Fred was a miner at Meyers Fork. He died in 1965 and was buried next to Doris his daughter. I have been an assistant to the Postmaster, managed road house in Eagle and started the Eagle Library. I am a sourgough of Chicken, Alaska, part and parcel of that great land of gold. I was priviledged to know many of the early sourdoughs before my time. Paul and Jim Bytell, Dick Mitchell, Jack Hawn, Bill Smeter, freigter on river with horse sleds carrying supplies, Ben Norval a very knowledgeable prospector and also a preacher when needed.

I have written two books, "Dark Boundry" in 1954 and "Tisha" in 1976. We live off the Taylor Hwy. at the end of the road in a big yellow house.

Marie became a deep sea diver and now works in a bank at Anchorage. Barbara traveled the world over, a fine geologist, and a professional photographer, lives in Anchorage most of the time. Jack was killed in Vietnam for nothing. Big Ed, a pilot, but made more money as a truck driver in Texas. George a brilliant and now president of oil company in Houston. Ethel lives in Texas as a professional artist and Hank lives in Fairbanks. Chuck died of TB after he had grown up. I have had 4 sons in the armed services. Doris died after, over 10 years of hospitalization and Lynn lives with me spending most of her time knitting.

-Anne Purdy

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